Building Accessories
From gutters and downspouts to ventilators, windows and canopies, Star offers a complete line of
worry-free accessories. All of which add to a finished building with a unique presence.
Our accessories are specifically designed to work with Star's durable roof and wall systems. They reinforce the building's structural integrity. They ensure its weather tightness and energyc efficiency. If you need overhangs, entry doors, store fronts or thermal windows, Star accessories compliment the appearance and functionality of your building.

Curbs are custom built to accommodate roof mounted equipment.

Walk Doors
Walk Doors have a galvanized 16-gauge frame with an 18 gauge smooth door leaf with white or bronze primer.

Roof Jacks
Roof Jacks are panel mounted and can accommodate stack sizes 7" to 12".

Full Glass Door
Full Glass doors are specifically designed for fast installation. You just uncrate, set in place, plumb and square, then anchor.

DBCI Overhead Door
DBCI’s commercial doors are designed and manufactured for strength and durability and are fabricated to meet or exceed operational requirements with little or no maintenance.

Pipe Flashes
Pipe Flashes are flexible units that fit pipes from 1/4" to 7" in diameter.

Monovents are gravity-type, 20" circular, 26-gauge units with a damper.

Univents are gravity-type 10' long, 9" or 12" throat, 26-gauge units with dampers, designed for continuous runs.

Thermal Efficient Windows
Thermal Efficient Windows are 1/2" thick double glazed, aluminum alloy with bronze acrylic enamel finish.

18-gauge frame Louvers are 48" x 48" with 20-gauge adjustable blades and come complete with bird screen.